It's been a busy day. I got two new crocheted octopus finger puppets listed in my Etsy shop. I don't know why I always drag my feet with the listing thing. At least I remembered to take the photos before it got dark.
Then I also finished today's doodle which I am calling Noodlehead. It started out as a face and ended up with long 'noodly' arms. I think doodling can unlock a lot of repressed creativity. It's cheap, quick and gets you out of your own head.
Time to go make dinner. How do I know when it's time? When my spelling falls apart and my ability to proofread flies out of the window.
If you are a regular reader please take a moment to wave and leave a comment. It helps me to know I'm not here in cyberspace all alone.
*Wave* I wish I could doodle like that. Cute finger puppets.
Thanks Mike. Doodle for fun. Sometimes it comes out super great, and sometimes not, but it always helps your creativity.
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