I've been working on my knitted bunny. For more on that look here: http://knitabitofmagic.blogspot.com
And when my fingers get too tired I'm going to do more on my cross stitch sampler. I worked on the cow yesterday. I'd made some mistakes and had to take most of it out and start over. I finished the letter H in a rust brown color.
I want to work on some jewelry today too. I've been working out on the porch. Yesterday was so bright and sunny. Today it is already 3 PM and the sun never did come out. It's chilly and overcast, but not too uncomfortable if I wear the hat I made on my knitting loom. Keep your head warm and the rest of your body will stay a few degrees warmer too.
The man in my life has a corned beef going in the crock pot for dinner. So all I have to do is make some lunch when I get around to it.
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