Monday, January 30, 2012

Wood Storage Unit Painting and Collage

I found a 3 cubicle wood storage unit yesterday. I thought I'd collage it all, which might take a long time. So I decided to use up my 'older' paints before they dry up, and put a multicolor base coat on the shelves. It's a mix of acrylic paints and Gesso to make the coverage easier. I'm taking a short break because I was beginning to feel like a contortionist trying to bend over and paint inside each cubicle. I like it so far though. I think I will use one shelf for my journals and another for magazines. I haven't decided what to put in the last shelf nor do I know where to find spot for it in my apartment. I did realize I could use it horizontally or vertically, so since I'm not sure yet I'm going to paint every surface except the back. It's a fun one day project for a sunny day. This is my 1,111 posts. Cool.

1 comment:

BlakeKaraoke said...

Looks very cool so far! Congrats on your 1,111 post :)