I live in Anaheim CA where it never snows so imagine my surprise when I saw a snowman on a neighbor's lawn. Haha.
If you do a daily blog you might like to sign up for http://nablopomo.ning.com/blogrolls/january-2009-blogroll and join up with other daily bloggers.
My craft 'to do' list is here:
Knit Sleeve
Make a glamor photo area
Sew in ends on leaf scarf and flower scarf
Make yarn box for my daughter
Finish Knifty Knitter Scarf
Wrap New Year's Day gifts
That should keep me busy. Plus I have to drop off a truck for servicing, clean the house for company, and then go out to dinner for sushi. I don't usually eat sushi but they have plenty of other things I love like green tea ice cream, tempura, crepes, and about 8 kinds of shrimp.
I just saw you listing in the January 2009 nablopomo blogroll and when I saw the name of your blog had to come visit. I've signed up for that challenge and wanted to visit some of the others. I love to craft and it looks like you do some amazing work. That purple basket in the next post down is great, how did you make it? and I'm curious, in another post you mention knitting using really big needles - how big is really big? I'm working on a blanket at the moment using 20mm needles and they are great, it grows really quickly and looks good too.
Hope to read some more of your blog soon, Emma http://www.wheelchairprincess.com/blog/
Hi Emma,
Nice to meet you. The current needles are 15 and 17, but I've used some bigger than that. The other ones say Jumbo and don't have a size on them. When I was a little girl my mother made a hammock on big needles.
I'm not sure how to explain how I made the wire basket. It's a technique called twining.
I'm expecting company at the moment but I'd love to go read your blog first chance I get.
Happy New Year.
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