Always happy to see that people are coming to my blog more than once.
I think autumn is such a great time for crafting. Time to gather all those botanicals before they are covered by snow. Time to pick up and press autumn leaves and flowers to enjoy later in the winter months. Perfect time to make things for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Day of the Dead, and Christmas. Plus all those birthday cards. I need to make an inventory of birthday cards so they are ready to go. How many of you do that? Or do you find yourself constantly running to the store at the last minute. I find the trickiest part about cards is often the envelopes. So get the envelope first and design the card to fit inside. Or make your own envelope. Carefully take apart any existing envelope and use it as a pattern template. Find some big paper to trace it out on, or piece together glossy magazine pages until you get a piece big enough. Use brown paper, or heavy duty giftwrap. If money is an issue, check postal rates and sizes of envelopes first. They are a lot pickier than they used to be and have minimum sizes and so forth.
I imagine in this day and age most post offices have a website with that info on it if you poke around and look for it.
Don't forget to make Christmas projects like soap or glued items or paintings way ahead of time so they can cure properly.
The photo is my friend Aimee doing beadwork at one of our archery gatherings.
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