Get your daily craft fix here as I talk about the projects I'm working on. For more specifics, please visit my other blogs by viewing my profile. I will aim at posting daily unless I am out of town at a craft event or family function. ************************** Original contents including text and graphics Copyright Fayme Harper 2008-2014
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Knitting a sweater
Today I started knitting a sweater that I know will be too small for me. But I thought I would learn useful techniques and maybe figure out a way to make the next one bigger.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
I got the arrows dipped in their first 2 coats of gasket lacquer. Now the cresting looks so much more impressive.
So Many Blogs

I have 56 blogs on blogger.com alone, so please take time to visit the other ones. Most of them are sorted by topic. The whole list is at the bottom of my profile here: My Blogs
Headwrap checkerboard

I finished the checkerboard texture head wrap. The rectangle is 3 1/2" x 20". It's a little tight around my head but I want the stretchiness to hold it on. Yarn relaxes after you wear it a bit, and then it would be too big.
I started another one out of Lion brand trellis yarn. It's squirrely to work with so I'll see how it goes.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Twilight Cross Stitch
After seeing a cross stitch artist on Flickr and seeing the movie Twilight, I am off on a new cross stitch project using a quote from the vampire movie. It's navy thread on Aida cloth.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Crafty Sunday

Today was a busy day. At the Pasadena archery range I worked on peyote stitch beadwork as well as a knitted scarf. Then when I got home I worked on my cross stitch Christmas stocking, my scarf, and some freeform crochet.
My friend Aimee worked on two loom beaded bands to put on her new yucca quiver. She just learned loom beading and is delighted that it goes a lot quicker than bead weaving without a loom.
Another woman joined us and worked on a knitted scarf for a Christmas present.
cross stitch,
freestyle crochet,
Saturday, November 22, 2008
From the Library
I'm at the library picking up a whole stack of craft books. I'm going to check out the New Book of Image Transfer, Wreaths and Garlands, Crafting With Flea Market Fabrics, Crochet Jewelry and the Yarn Girls Guide to Simple Knits. If you are on a budget don't forget to check your library for inspiration. Also, I can use the computer here free for an hour. And I can renew my books online. If you haven't been to a library in years you'd be amazed at how different they are.
Vintage Book and Knitted Headband

Here is the headband I made for the free tutorial. I just have to sew the narrow ends together and weave in the ends.
And this is a vintage knitting book I got from Nadine's estate.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Knitting and the cat

Today I'm working on some knitting in navy and gold yarn. It wasn't cooperating so I've been doing more fixing than making progress. My cat didn't help any. When I went to bed last night I left my project sitting by the couch and sometime between when my boyfriend left for work this morning and the time I got out of bed, the cat had dragged the wool-ease yarn around several table legs, around a bin and down the hallway.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Projects Everywhere
While cleaning I came across so many projects I had forgotten I even made. I filled up box after box with stuffed toys, hats, jewelry, beaded book marks and so on. Makes me sad that I could never find buyers for them. It seems like now-a-days everyone is an artist. I do know people that make a living at it. So I'm not saying it's impossible.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Cresting arrows

Today I worked on cresting arrows on a cresting jig. First I straightened the shafts. Then I chose the colors for the cresting. As many coats were needed, I had to let things dry every once in a while. The shafts are ramen, the paint is acrylic. Next they will be dipped in about 6 coats of gasket lacquer, then I will chop and glue on the feathers. Then add the tips and knocks.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I've been neglecting my archery so this weekend I will be working on a bow and a set of arrows. I also want to make a better quiver. I have a gourd one started. Then I want to go to the archery range and practice shooting for a while. I feel like I'm really rusty.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Counted Cross Stitch
Friday, November 07, 2008
Cross Stitch and Plarn
First thing this morning, I got the Aida cloth edges sealed off with masking tape. Then I got the horizontal and vertical lines marked with basting thread. I found the perfect embroidery hoop compliments of a craft box my bf's mom just gave me, and then got to do some of the fun part finally starting with a blue angel's wing and a brown teddy bear's paw. Then my eyes were already tearing up so I had to stop.
While eating breakfast at a fast food place I started writing an article on Plarn or plastic yarn for Hubpages. It's in longhand (anyone want to give me a laptop) so now I have to find time to type it on the computer. I also need to make samples for the article. So I won't have it done today.
While eating breakfast at a fast food place I started writing an article on Plarn or plastic yarn for Hubpages. It's in longhand (anyone want to give me a laptop) so now I have to find time to type it on the computer. I also need to make samples for the article. So I won't have it done today.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Cross Stitch Christmas Stocking

I found a Christmas stocking kit that is about 25 years old that I no doubt meant to make for my daughters when they were kids. So now I get to make it for my Grandson. Everything is still in excellent shape. I sorted all the colors out tonight. The kit is by Dimensions.
cross stitch,
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
rubber chicken
Today when I was cleaning, I found a crocheted 'rubber' chicken I had started months ago and forgotten all about. That's another one to add to the good ol' project list. We got some legal/letter size storage boxes from Office Depo in packages of six and I'm doing a major reorganizing of my craft supplies. Being multitalented has a cost and that is you end up with so many parts to so many things it's unbelievable.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
We were supposed to move furniture from Arcadia to Anaheim today, but it's raining. So I don't know if we are not going to do it at all, or if we will do it later today. But I love doing crafts on rainy days. Last night I finished the knitted part of the headband that goes with the free tutorial. Now I just have to stitch the ends together. So glad to be done with that. The needles were a really poor match for the yarn. That's what I get for rushing.
My boyfriend's mom also gave me a big bin filled with sequins, beads, a darning egg, calico fabric, glue and well basically enough for many enjoyable hours of crafting.
And today (if we get out to Arcadia) there is a big batch of knitting needles and yarn and craft books waiting for me.
My boyfriend's mom also gave me a big bin filled with sequins, beads, a darning egg, calico fabric, glue and well basically enough for many enjoyable hours of crafting.
And today (if we get out to Arcadia) there is a big batch of knitting needles and yarn and craft books waiting for me.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
We just inherited some furniture so the rush is on to tame the craft monster in my house. I bought 24 boxes and I'm in the process of sorting everything into them so I at least have a snowball's chance in hell of finding them when I have the next Etsy sale or craft fair. I don't understand how I can be so creative and yet so inept at organizing things. Sigh. Oh and I have a sore throat so that makes things ever so much more fun.
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