Sat. and Sun. were just a blur. I worked on many things but didn't finish anything. Crafts are like that sometimes. I went to Joann's fabrics on both days to look for costume patterns in their .99 sale. The Buena Park store was really picked over. I had better luck on Sunday at the Joann's in Pasedena, but there is yet one pattern for corsets that was sold out at both stores.
Sunday I went to an event where I spent most of the day teaching 2 people to knit. So I got very little knitting done myself. Mostly I demonstrated things and then ripped them out again.
Today (Monday) I am so tired. So I finished knitting a hat. I just have the ends to sew in, but my right thumb was cramping, so no more knitting for me today. My bf unexpectedly took the day off of work, so I had to scrap my sewing plans because there just isn't enough room in here with another person underfoot. He's trying to make arrows, and I don't know where I'd put the sewing table where it wouldn't block him from his project. Sigh.
The moon is beautiful tonight.