Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Little Sidetracked

My apologies for falling behind. I've been dealing with some health issues which have zapped my energy. I wonder if other people even notice when I fall behind. I somehow doubt it.

The best news is I found a sponsor for my crochet tutorials. My biggest inhibition with doing more tutorials is they take a lot of time, and don't create any income. So now at least some of them will create some income. I just hope my computer doesn't run out of memory space before I save enough money to buy another one.

Some of my ongoing project right now include a knitted stole inspired by Kaffe Fassett, a macrame' owl out of twine, a crocheted necklace with sequins, my plarn totebag and my ongoing wardrobe project of just wearing my own creations every day for a year. Since I've been sick I may have to start over, but that's okay. I've already learned so much I can do it better the next time.

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