Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Bell Pulls

Ever since I did some card weaving a few years ago, I became fascinated by bell pulls. Do you remember the old Addams Family TV series where someone would pull the bell pull and Lurch would appear and say, "YOU RANG".

I am tired of running in and out of the house to the back work containers to deliver a message or to say there is a phone call. Sometimes we remember to take the phone with us and sometimes we don't, and it always gets set in a different spot. Sometimes my cell phone is off or I forget to bring it.

I am thinking a bell pull system would solve that issue.  And be romantic in a way. I could string 2 ropes from the back door straight to the laundry room, then to the containers.  There would be a bell on each end. No more running outside in my socks to tell him his mom was on the phone or a customer wanted to order arrows. And it would work for emergencies too.  I could even string the rope to the front gate, and guests (or the mailman with a box) could ring the bell to get in.

I can see I'm going to need to make some woven bell pulls. Making something so low tech will be a hoot.

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