Friday, December 26, 2008

Yarn, Knifty Knitter, Crochet and Embroidery

I found two new Knifty Knitter pamphlets at Joanne's today. One is hats and the other is blankets. At .99 a piece how could I resist. Also I took advantage of their yarn sale and got a tote bag full of yarn. My boyfriend even picked up the cost claiming that since I don't do Christmas it wasn't a Christmas present and since my birthday isn't even till next year (Jan. 3) he doesn't know what to call it. Nothing like picking out your own present eh? I never would have bought that much yarn if I knew he was going to foot the bill. But I will enjoy making things out of it. After getting that home you'd think I would have done knitting or crochet. But I didn't. I worked on my cross stitch. The embroidery projects were expanding and making a mess so I found them their own bin so I can keep them clean and away from the cats.

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