Saturday, December 22, 2012

DIY Christmas Ornament and Knitting Projects

Hello my snowflakes,

Sometimes the motivating factor in finishing a knitting project is that I want to use the needles for another project. So here I am finishing a pair of seafoam green baby booties in Woolease yarn. In storage I found my Kaffee Fasset book.  I knew I owned that book!  But I've checked it out 2 or 3 times because I couldn't find my copy. I didn't know it had been in storage for 15 years.  So I want to make a shawl that's in it that I attempted before and never finished.

I also made a Christmas ornament since I haven't found my box of Christmas decorations.  So this is my token ornament. That and a neighbor gave us a beautiful poinsettia for taking care of her cats while she's on vacation.

When I took some stuff out of storage I found some glittery chenille stems and a styrofoam ball, so I made this ball today. It took about a hour. Things went a lot faster with a decent pair of wire cutters.
It always comes down to having the right tools for the job, doesn't it!

Happy holiday crafting.


BlakeKaraoke said...

Very Pretty! Happy Holidays!

Fayme Zelena Harper said...

Thanks Blake. I hope your Etsy shop is dong well.