Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday in Atascadero

I'm in Atascadero today working on some fashion collages. I cut out a bunch of magazine photos on the train and sorted them into a blank composition book, then once I got here I bought a drawing tablet and started gluing them onto their labeled pages.

 I slept too late to go with my daughter to SLO, so I'm waiting for her to get home and hopefully get some lunch. In the meantime I took some photos in her dance studio, trying out some creative shots that I'll share when I get home.

The baby isn't a baby anymore.  He's napping at the moment.  He's learned to walk fast and climb on things so it's a challenge keeping up with him. He loves to chase birds but doesn't look where he's going. He can open some of the doors in the house. Like a boiling pot, he can never be left unattended.

I feel like I need to sleep a whole day before I have the energy to go home on the train. 

Dance studios used to feel like my home away from home. Now I feel like a stranger there.

Right now the dance studio is being used for photography sessions and painting.

Self portrait

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