Monday, July 16, 2012

Prim Doll

I thought my shawl was looking a little bland in taupe colored yarn.  So I got an alpaca/acrylic blend in a medium gray to add some visual interest to the shawl. I would have been content to stick to that project for the rest of my trip until I happened to be in a Barnes and Noble and ran across my Etsy friend's name on the front of a craft magazine.  Right there on the cover of Stuffed was her name in bold letters and a promised Artist's Profile inside.  Congrats Junker Jane.

So then I was bitten by the doll bug and had to go back to Beverly's to get some doll making supplies.  I got needles, thread, dark brown muslin, embroidery thread, eyes, and a bag of assorted trims. By the time I got around to making it my daughter was soon off work.  So so far I only have the head, and the eyes sewn together.  I cut out the body and legs. I have no idea how to add the arms yet. I wanted to work on it more tonight but the family wanted to watch a gory vampire movie, so we did that instead. No way to sew in a dark living room. I think I'll use buttons to hold on the arms and legs.

Sitting in Linnea's Cafe garden making dolls would make me happy if I could do it every day.

People passing by gave me some funny looks seeing this doll in a box.

I have one more leg warmer to make.  And some sort of necklace. Almost done.

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