Friday, December 16, 2011

Hot Water Heater

Most artists know how insane the last week before Christmas gets as you try to balance deadlines, family expectations, cleaning, work and travel.  It usually creates a snowball effect. This year is no exception. The day I was supposed to open my new Etsy shop, I was hauling soggy boxes out of the garage after our hot water heater failed.  I forgot about opening the shop entirely! I did have a few listings sitting there in draft form, so in lieu of my planned grand opening, I just made those listings live today, because I need to get the garage put back together again.

I'm also working on a crocheted sweater that kept me busy late into the night and again this morning, as well as doing my daily paintings.  Yikes!  I'm getting so far behind.  Then Sunday we'll be out of town delivering arrows in Pasadena at our monthly archery gathering. Some of these arrows are gifts so there is no getting around going. I don't have any plans on Christmas day. And I just realized it.

My friends got a new horse

My friends from Synergy Arts in front of the tree they designed.

Each panel can turn in the wind.

Me ready for the Christmas dinner.

Daisy's First Day

Glad someone else is installing the new one.

Old hot water heater needed replacing.

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