Friday, June 25, 2010

Two Projects Gourd Charms and Knitting Ponchini

I was reading a library book on making greeting cards, and though I didn't have quite the supplies listed in the book, I got an idea of doing some woodburning on a thin shelled gourd that I got from Michael's when I worked there. I knew it was broken and too fragile for jewelry so it kinda kicked around here for a while. But I broke it into irregular shapes and woodburned designs onto each bit. They are very light weight. So now I'll use them like charms, either attaching them to things with string or wire or wrapping them onto the cardboard that is used to embellish the greeting cards. See the photo. I'll keep you posted on how that project turns out.

I also worked on my pyrography gourd and added another lizard and 3 horses to it. I may make a video with some of the video clips I shot today.

Then tonight I started knitting a ponchini (capelet) out of some Homespun I got at the All Things String party last weekend. I'm almost done with it but it's 2 AM and I didn't want to risk making a mess out of it because of my tiredness. I'm not sure why I'm making warm clothes just as summer had started, but since when are my craft urges ever logical?

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