Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tatting, Japanese cord weaving and Illumination

The first spiral cordage I made with the Japanese braid weaving circle.

Working on my illumination skills. The pyramids on the far right are the finished ones.
The rest haven't been shaded yet.

Tatting with pale green crochet thread.

Me holding the scroll.

The portable Japanese disk for cord braiding.

It's 2:20 AM and it's been raining for a couple of hours now.

Today I worked on illumination for about 2 hours trying to paint little pyramids on a scroll. That can make me pretty batty so 2 hours is about all I'm good for.

Later in the day I worked on some tatting in a pale green. My muscles still aren't used to that motion so I don't really have a flow yet. Hope springs eternal. I just need to do it more consistantly and I'm sure my skills will improve. I can't really make cool stuff until I get better. Other than a chain of daisies I don't really know how to make anything else yet.

Oh and I started on another Japanese braiding project in gold and green. I should take it camping with me this weekend. I can do it at the craft booth between customers.

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