Sunday, July 30, 2006

Handmade Greeting Cards

Yesterday I was at Cafe Enchante' in Huntington Beach CA and they had handmade cards for sale for $5.00 each.
Why not make your own for pennies? Most of the cards consisted of a piece of handmade paper (make it or buy it). I've made it from an inexpensive kit and a blender. Or the local art supply store carries it. A big sheet will make several cards. Then glued to the cardstock was either a small photo, or pressed flowers, or a little painting. That gives you three options of something to put on the card. Or buy a packet of flower seeds, cut four slots on the cardstock for the corners of the seed packet, and make the packet the front of the card.
I couldn't see the inside, but if you are a whiz at calligraphy, you can write whatever suits you. Or print it out on the computer in a frilly font. It's more time efficient to make half a dozen cards at once, and then stockpile them until needed.

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