Sunday, March 28, 2010

March Stitch-N-Bitch

I'm getting ready to go to the monthly stitch-n-bitch today. I wanted to refresh my memory on buillion knots and ended up on this site with some good tutorials on knot tying and stitchery. so share and share alike.

At the meetings I'm going to take the neovictorian collar I've been working on. I sewed a bunch on vintage beads on it yesterday and I think I'll add some embroidered buillion knot roses to it today. This project has been a great way to use up things in my stash that I've been hoarding for 20 years. I knew they'd belong on something someday.

I should take some knitting too, just in case my mood changes. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has craft mood swings. I love that our meetings are the last Sunday of the month. What a perfect way to end off one month and begin the next.

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