Friday, September 05, 2014

A Plethora of New Projects

I've been on a creative frenzy of epic proportions. I kept trying to resist the urge to get back into quilting when one day the whole closet exploded and I find myself drowning in five or six different quilting projects including purses,  pillows, and bed quilts. The crazy quilting requires embroidery, so add that to the mix. That kindled a fresh interest in doing embroidery. I'm one of those odd  people that enjoys hand stitching.

The embroidery inspired me to start a new doll with ribbon loops for hair. She is brown with pink polka dogs, and white ribbon  hair. I love making art dolls but sometimes I forget to finish them.

Then the knitting meetings have inspired me to get yarn for a felted purse one week and sock yarn the next. Only the self-striping sock yarn isn't for socks, because why waste good  yarn inside a shoe. I  plan to use it for medicine pouches, each one containing a gemstone or a talisman. Sock yarn is almost $10 a skein and it takes 2 to make one pair of socks. Many knitters do this of course, but I don't need a $20 pair of socks.

I also have many ideas for weaving. I want to weave a hat! And some pouches. I want to weave in the round.

And it's been too long since I painted. I have a half finished  painting just waiting for me to finish it.

And I have skirts to make. Plus I'd like to make an apron. And I just started a new fashion design project with my niece Rockstar.

But right now, this very second, I have the afternoon drowsies and they are driving me crazy.
This was supposed to be a juggling ball but its too big now. Rats.

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