Monday, February 06, 2012

Chasing My Tail

Suddenly everything seems so busy. My life is a blur, like someone sped up the merry-go-round.
I'm about done with a free-form crocheted hat in many colors. I got all the ends woven in and then decided the crown is too shallow so I need to do another row.

I did some decoupaging in my 'junk journal'. It's so fun to have the freedom to slap anything I want in there, and not care if it's perfect. Today I glued in some postage stamps I got from India. Those have been kicking around my house for a while so I'm glad I finally found a parking space so they'll quit falling on the floor.

I'm still rearranging furniture in the living room and dining room for the arrow making and the sewing and drawing areas. It's a jumble. Today I got the binder clips to hook onto the plastic chain to hang things on.
And in my bedroom I want exercise space, so I just moved the Japanese lantern into another room and the mobile that was over my office chair is now over my bed. Every time I'd stand up to pull my sweater off, I'd knock it out of balance. Maybe with it over my bed, I should add some glow in the dark beads or paint to it. That would be awesome. Then I can see it after I turn the lights off.

As if things aren't busy enough, I just got reminded we have an archery tourney on Saturday where we are selling arrows. I'm glad for the full schedule. Then I have less time to worry about poverty.

Also, before I forget, the drawing for the custom arrows is this Saturday at the Robin Hood Tourney and tickets are $5 each. The money goes to a friend who suddenly found herself a widow. Thanks to those who have already generously donated. Some of them don't even want the arrows, they just want to help. That is a beautiful thing. 


BlakeKaraoke said...

Sounds like u have have been a busy bee yet still have a ton of stuff to get done, Good Luck! I guess just finish one thing at a time, also Good Luck raising funds for ur friend!
I Hope u sell Lots!

Unknown said...

I'm not sure I've ever told you this, but your post and specifically your PHOTO reminded me today: I *ADORE* how much your face just SHINES in your photos. You light up my day. :)

Fayme Zelena Harper said...

Thanks for taking time to comment. I know how busy you are.

Fayme Zelena Harper said...

Thanks Cat Ellen. For some reason that reminds me of the song "You Light Up My Life."