Thursday, March 17, 2011

Productive Day

My health issues weren't bothering me so much today and I got a lot done. I found the beads in the manila envelope I've been looking for. They were actually in a small manila envelope inside the other manila envelope.

I found my good penknife and got to carve more on my block printed heart border. I also got to start another knitting tutorial on cable stitch. I knew the camera angle would be too tricky for me to do by myself, so I asked my boyfriend to help and it came out a lot better than me struggling alone.

I also got another article posted to Hubpages.  It's not craft related so I won't link it here. I hope to try out my woodblock printing tomorrow once the sun comes out again. I spent most of today thinking it was Friday. Yesterday was so stressful I thought it was two days and not one.  Ha. Ha. So now it's like I got a free day out of nowhere. I also managed to do some chatting on Etsy. Hardly anyone I knew in chat when I first joined Etsy comes there anymore so I'm constantly meeting new faces and getting them all muddled in my head.

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