Saturday, July 26, 2014

Fanciewerks Yarn Shoppe

I just cruised by the Fanciewerks Yarn Shoppe in Apple Valley, CA to see when their open sessions are so I can meet some other knitters. Turns out they've just expanded. They had the last store in a strip mall, and the craft store on the other end moved out and the store in the center was already empty.  I'm glad they could afford to make a bigger store! More fun for us knitters right? And they've always had the open group on Wed. Before they were closed on Mondays but now they have a gathering on Mondays too.

Then I went to lunch and my curiosity got the better of me and I checked out the Apple Valley public pool facilities. I also had to return library books and the library is viewing distance from the pool. So if I plan it right I can hit the knitting meeting, the pool and the library all in one day from now on! Finally a cool place to sit and knit on a hot day.

I joined to help me keep on task with my Etsy shop goals.

I just started knitting an L-shaped scarf with big buttons. I started one a few months ago but then I thought we were going to move so I packed it. Now I don't know where it is. Oh noooooo! Oh well, I started a new one from a bag of 'end lot' yarn I got on sale at Joanne's. It's a wool looking ombre of dark red, brown and green. I'm not at home right now so I'll have to post a photo later.

I'm at the Apple Valley Library staying cool.

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