Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Use Blogger to Help You Meet Deadlines

I made a private blog to keep my to-do lists on. It works out very well. I can always find it. It's easy to edit and check off done items. It's easy to cut and paste any unfinished items to the next day. I can even set up tickler posts to appear months later w/ dr.s appts. and stuff.  I've used it for about 3 weeks now and it works great.  Since I post to blogger daily anyway it's easy to get to. I just wish I'd thought of it years ago.

And today I found out another use for it. You know those random ideas you think up but if you don't write them down, you'll probably forget?  Now I title a post IDEAS and put them all in there. I tag it IDEAS.  Then later, I'll just do a tag search and all my ideas will pop up when I actually have time to work on them. Cool eh?

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